Our Future Is Somewhere Here

[social game] [artist game] [mixed mediums] [2024]

Our Future Is Somewhere Here is a social artistic game for people who are interested in exploring potential future scenarios and are open to asking themselves questions about the relation between past, present, and future. It is a tool for people to have valuable conversations without fighting about today's hot topics.

Created during my art residency at CYENS, ThinkerMaker Space, and EdMedia (Nicosia, CY).

documentation of the game on alwiki
documentation of my CYENS residency on alwiki
research reader with references and glossary
▶▶ exhibition information on ThinkerMaker Space’s website

// game board and cards » digital print
// pawns » 3D print
// video » 4:08 min (scroll down to see it)



Trains Always Bring You To The Future